Malytska Hanna

Associate Professor


Curriculum VitaeMain publicationsContacts


Date of birth: April 1, 1947
Address: Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
Precarpathian National University,
57 Shevchenka str., Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, 76018
Phone (office): +38-0342-59-60-50
Phone (cell): +38-096-683-00-23

Web of Science Researcher ID:


1965 – 1970 Chernivtsi State University,Department of Mathematics, student
1970 – 1973 Kiev State Pedagogical Institute by M. Gorky post-graduate student
1973 Kiev State Pedagogical Institute, PhD degree
1975 Associate Professor.


Degenerate parabolic equations, Kolmogorov`s systems of equations and problems of stochastic calculus modeling 


1973 Precarpathian National University, Ivano-Frankivsk,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
associate professor


English: Good written and oral skills
Ukrainian: Excellent written and oral skills
(native language)
Mathematical software: Mathematica, Maple
Publishing software: LATEX
Office software: Libre Office, MS Office

  1. Burtnyak I.V., Malytska H.P. Method of parametris for the ultraparabolic systems, Carpathian Mathematical Publications, 2, 2 (2010), 74–82.
  2. Burtnyak I.V., Malytska H.P. Fundamental matrix of solutions for one class of parabolic degenerate systems, Carpathian Mathematical Publications, 4, 1 (2012), 12–22.
  3. Burtnyak I.V., Malytska G.P. On stabilization Poisson integral ultraparabolic equations. Carpathian Math. Publ. 2013, 5 (2), 290–297. doi:10.15330/cmp.5.2.290-297
  4. Burtnyak I.V., Malytska G.P. The fundamental solution of Cauchy problem for a single equation of the diffusion equation with inertia. Carpathian Math. Publ. 2014, 6 (2), 320–328. doi:10.15330/cmp.6.2.320-328
  5. Burtnyak, І.V., Malytska, A. The Evaluation of Derivatives of Double Barrier Options of the Bessel Processes by Methods of Spectral Analysis, Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 2017, 14, Issue 3, pp. 126–134.
  6. Burtnyak, І.V., Malytska, A. Spectral study of options based on CEV model with multidimensional volatility. Investment Management and Financial Innovations, 2018,15(1), 18-25. doi:21511/imfi.15(1).2018.03
  7. Burtnyak, І.V., Malytska, A. Taylor expansion for derivative securities pricing as a precondition for strategic market decisions. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 2018, 16(1), 224-231. doi:10.21511/ppm.16(1).2018.22.
  8. Burtnyak, І.V. Malytska A. Application of the spectral theory and perturbation theory to the study of Ornstein-Uhlenbesck processes. Carpathian Math. Publ. 2018, 10 (2), 273–287. doi:10.15330/cmp.10.2.273-287.
  9. Burtnyak, І.V. Malytska A On the Fundamental Solution of the Cauchy Problem for Kolmogorov Systems of the Second Order.Ukrainian Mathematical Journal.Volume 70, Issue 8, 1 January 2019, 1275-1287. DOI: 1007/s11253-018-1568
  10. Burtnyak, І.V., Malytska H.P. Construction of the fundamental solution of a class of degenerate parabolic equations of high order. // Carpathian Math. Publ. 2020, 12 (1), 79-87. doi:10.15330/cmp.12.1.79-87
  11. Burtnyak I. V., Malytska H. P. Degenerate parabolic systems of the diffusion type with inertia // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 249, No. 3,  2020. DOI:10.1007/s10958-020-04947-2
  12. Burtnyak, І.V., Malytska A., Gvozdytskyi V. Modelling of the derivatives pricing with multifactor volatility. // Proceedings of the Workshop on the XII International Scientific Practical Conference Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling (MPSESM-W 2020). 2020, 92-108
  13.   Burtnyak, І.V., Malytska A. Derivative Pricing: Predictive Analytics Methods and Models // Proceedings of the Workshop on the XIІI International Scientific Practical Conference Modern problems of social and economic systems modelling (MPSESM-W 2021). 2021, 83-93 .
  14. Burtnyak, І.V.  Malytska A. MODELING THE BEHAVIOR OF BANKS IN INSTABILITY CONDITIONS. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University 2021, 28-51.
  15. Burtnyak, І.V.  Malytska A. Simulation of stock market prising using the model CEV. The actual problems of regional ecomomy development 2021, 41-47.


Postal Address
Department of Mathematical and Functional Analysis
Precarpathian National University
57, Shevchenka str., Ivano-Frankivsk
76018 Ukraine